Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Start A Blog

In this economy, why not start a blog. 

Most people are too busy losing their jobs, screaming at their diminishing retirement funds, and saying to each other "did you hear (enter financial statistic) hasn't been as bad as (enter arbitrary/depression era year)" to read the actual news. Not to mention it is constantly filled with wonderful news. (it is not filled with wonderful news)

Don't forget every newspaper is cutting their staff like Chris Brown is throwing fists. (too soon I know). So most of the content you are getting was hacked together by a few guys in the editing room sweating over what Obama will say next cause they've got NOTHING and it's three hours till deadline. Geezzzz     

Enter the Internet.

You don't have to be a journalist to start a blog. You don't even need something to say. You can just be someone that loves kittens in krazy pictures with silly titles, as these fine people have shown us. 

During the down time is the perfect time to start a blog. You've always wanted to write a Novel, now you can half-ass it and it will actually get published. You're probably saying right now - "Hey, why don't I write a blog about the ridiculous things I can do in the crappy economy." Well stop, because I'm already doing it and you're late.

So to sum things up so you can start your own blog.
Newspapers = too expensive / depressing
The Internet = is like a blind, deaf, mute mother (no judgement...ever)
Rihanna jokes = too soon
Cats = Internet crack
